Sunday, March 19, 2017



Everyone that knows me knows that I'm always taking pictures. Photography is one of my hobbies and loves in life. This has to be one of my favorite moments that I captured this past week when my daughter, Canada VanderVelde and grandson was here. I was just downloading all my pictures and came across this one and the tears just started to roll down my face. It was such a special, fun filled week and hard to see them go yesterday.

I can't believe how much Henry has grown and changed since the last time I saw him. He is talking so much and the things he says just makes me laugh all the time. When we were out and about he would say "Hi" to everyone and wave. I loved how he put smiles on everyones face and stopped them in their tracks. Just seeing this little guy light up peoples life was so special. And to see how my daughter cares for him and interacts with him. I was so improessed with her. I couldn't be a more proud mother and grandmother.

It's hard to be away from them as much as I am, but I'm so happy to have these special memories. I look forward to being home this summer and more memories. In the mean time, I will have these photos to look back on and some face time.

These moments make you realize how speical and how prescious family time can be. I hope you all make the most of every moment today and enjoy your family!

Sunday, March 12, 2017


Rewrite your brain for happiness by MEDITATIING.

Meditation clears the mind and calms you.

It is often cited as the single most effective way to live a happier life.

The more regularly and the more deeply you miditate, the sooner you will find yourself acting always from a center of inner peace.

Take one conscious breath in and out.

Meditation is not just for relaxation. It's primary purpose is to develope the capacity to respond skillfully and gracefully to life's difficulties as well as its joys.

The thing about meditation is that you become more and more you!

Take a moment to meditate this morning and have an amazing weekend!

Strive for 1% Everyday!

Do you ever have a workout where you feel like all your body wants to do is resist? It always amazing me how a couple days without working out can make such a difference in your body's performance!

That was last night. Kind of ironic the name of this workout is Resisance 3. It is a challenging workout and I really had to push through. I had to take a rest day and just walk one day earlier this week and my body doesn't want to get back moving again!!

I'm running a few days behind in this workout schedule due to some dental surgery I had the last couple weeks and wasn't up to it every day so this is the first time I did this workout. I had to do the modifier tonight on a lot of the sets without weights. So now my goal is to build up to beable to use weights in all the different sets within this program.

Remeber you don't always have to be a rock star. You grow with the program and continue to get healthy and fit everyday. Just set a goal to improve 1% each time. It's a process not a race!!

And when you fall behind don't give up and say well I'm behind schedule I mights as well quit or think you failed. I just pick up the next day on whatever the next workout is and keep checking them off day by day. This is a 8-week program. It may take me 9 or 10-weeks because I do have some things going on that could prevent me from being able to do this workout everday, but that doesn't mean I have to quit. I just keep checking off the workouts each day as I complete them.

I hope you all have an amazing Sunday!! Make it a great day!!
