Sunday, March 12, 2017

Strive for 1% Everyday!

Do you ever have a workout where you feel like all your body wants to do is resist? It always amazing me how a couple days without working out can make such a difference in your body's performance!

That was last night. Kind of ironic the name of this workout is Resisance 3. It is a challenging workout and I really had to push through. I had to take a rest day and just walk one day earlier this week and my body doesn't want to get back moving again!!

I'm running a few days behind in this workout schedule due to some dental surgery I had the last couple weeks and wasn't up to it every day so this is the first time I did this workout. I had to do the modifier tonight on a lot of the sets without weights. So now my goal is to build up to beable to use weights in all the different sets within this program.

Remeber you don't always have to be a rock star. You grow with the program and continue to get healthy and fit everyday. Just set a goal to improve 1% each time. It's a process not a race!!

And when you fall behind don't give up and say well I'm behind schedule I mights as well quit or think you failed. I just pick up the next day on whatever the next workout is and keep checking them off day by day. This is a 8-week program. It may take me 9 or 10-weeks because I do have some things going on that could prevent me from being able to do this workout everday, but that doesn't mean I have to quit. I just keep checking off the workouts each day as I complete them.

I hope you all have an amazing Sunday!! Make it a great day!!


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