Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Two Years Ago in Kuwait I Started My Own Personal Boot Camp!

On this day two years ago in Kuwait I completed my first half marathon! It was something I never would have dreamed of doing. About 10.5 miles in I just wanted to quit, but I had Soldiers that motivated me and kept me going.

It was a few months prior to this that I really started my health and fitness journey. I started working twice a day and really focusing on my health and nutrition. This was one of the goals that I set for myself in my training.

Prior to this I wasn't eating as healthy as I should be, I had gained weight and I was feeling miserable. I had a life changing moment when I was leading my company in a division run and I almost fell out. But one of my fellow Captains motivated me to not let myself fall back. I was a commander and I had to lead my troops from the front and set the example. I had to do something...

I also decided to call bullshit on taking any medications. I was taking four ibuprofin and two tylenol every morning and night to get through all the aches and pains I was having. What I discovered in time was that it was more from not moving my body enough. Because once I started eating healthy and working out daily the aches and pains were nearly gone. Now the only aches and pains I feel are the good ones form a few sore muscles when I really push myself. Before it hurt just to get out of bed in the morning and stand on my feet.

I'm proud to say that I'm 49-years-old and extremely healthy now. I don't take any meds. In turn I eat healthy, I get my daily dose of vitamins through a health shake and I work out daily and sprinkle in some great reading to keep my mind positive and to keep me motivated.

During this 1/2 Marathon two years ago I proved to myself that I was way more physically capable then I ever gave myself credit for. I'm so thankful I worked through my fear and my insecurities and proved to myself that I am strong and able to conquer things that I never dreamed of doing.

I guess now you could say I'm leading my own boot camp and helping others who want to follow and make changes in their life as well. Are you struggling with any of these things? Are you taking over the counter drugs and carrying around unwanted weight that you are hiding behind. This doesn't have to control your life. You can be healthy, happy and fit! If so join me and I can help you get your health and fitness right. We can fight this fight together!

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