Sunday, February 26, 2017


I'm currently reading this book called the Slight Edge. It is so powerful and has such deep meaning if we would only grasp and run with it. The impacts it could have on our lives is endless.

The book refers back many times to a story about a penny and how it can compound. Not only financially, but in so many different ways in your life.

The key is that if you do a little bit, just a little bit each day, you can make great progress. It can be something simple like improving your health by cutting out soda or going for a walk each day. Reading personal development each day can have a big impact on your thoughts and positive well being.

Great success starts from a tiny beginning, but there has to be a beginning. You have to start. You have to do something. Just by adding 1% a day of any positive act to your life will have more than tripled in a year. But you have to start!

The problem is that people don't see progress fast enough and they quit. How many of you started a gym membership at the beginning of the year and have already stopped? How many of you started clean, healthy eating, but have already gotten away from it because you found it too hard or used the excuse that it's too expensive to buy fresh fruits and veggies? How many of you started saving, but already stopped because it started dipping into your fun money?

What you do today matters! Sometimes even the most important things feel futile or pointless at the time, long before you can really see or feel the ultimate impact. Little thing, things that might seem like they ahve no power at all, can make a huge difference in time!

You just have to put in the effort and the commitment, 1% every day, and give it time!

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