Friday, January 13, 2017



These are two key things that I'm working on in 2017!!

🎯 One of my goals for a long time has been to attend the Army Master Fitness Trainer Course. I'm finally there!! I'm doing it!! However, this requires some Balance with everything else that I have going on in my life.

I have to prioritize my time and block it out. This morning I worked on my coaching business. Now it's time for a workout and then on to studying for the afternoon. Nothing comes easy in life. You have to discover what is your "Why" and your goals that will help you to achieve that Why. Some times it takes sacrafice. This is a four day weekend for me and instead of out riding my mortorcycle or jeeping I have a laser focus on thie things I want to accomplish. I have some "me time" planned for tomorrow afterrnoon because we all do need some time to unwind and relax, but then on Sunday I will be getting back after my goals.

What is your "Why"?
What are you doing to get there?
What are you sacraficing?

Sacrafice isn't a bad thing, but in the end when you achieve your goals you will feel amazing and it will all be worth it!! All I can tell you is the past couple months since I have become focused on my "Why" and what it is that I want in life I feel so ALIVE!! I know where I'm at and where I'm going. Yes there have been some hurdles along the way. But now they seem more like little speed bumps instead of a big hurdle, because I know that I have so much positive going on in my life and it is going to take a lot more than that to bring me down.

Take a few minutes today and think about your life. Do you feel ALIVE? Do you feel like you can achieve anything? I hope so!! If not what do you need to change in your life. It may be just a couple little things you need to focus on. Think about it!!

Comment and share your WHY and how you are getting there and how it is changing your life!!

Make it a great day!! It's your choice.
~Coach Jo

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