Saturday, January 7, 2017

Welcome to my Blog on this Sunny and Cold Saturday!!

Sunny Saturday!!

I'm sitting here today thinking what direction do I want to take this blog? What is it that I feel I need to put on paper and share with the world? What is it that burns most in my heart and mind?

This is something that I have been wanting to do for a long time and I finally decided that now was the time to make it happen. I have a journalism degree and I love writing. One of the things on my bucket list is to write a book. Today marks the time I have decided to share my life story.

I plan to post at least once a week. Probably on the weekend, but possibly more depending on time and where my thoughts take me. I have several people that have been telling me I need to put my life experiences on paper and share. Some of the things I will be writing about are life experiences, my struggles  as a single mom as well as some amazing memories for when my two children were growing up, life after joining the Army at age 40 and my new found love of health and fitness and my new journey as a coach.  One of the greatest things I look forward to sharing is life as a Grandma. I am a motivational writer and I look at life with my cup half full. I always try to find a positive or a learning lesson in most everything I do.

Since I have become a coach I have discovered so much about myself. This has also carried over into my life as a Solider and Army Officer. I have such a desire to be a great leader and set a great example for my Soldiers in the best way that I can.  I have been diving into self-development and just reading whatever I can get my hands on. I've been getting up earlier and earlier and earlier every day because there just doesn't seem to be enough time in the day for what I want to accomplish in a day. I have never felt so ALIVE!! I hope to share a lot of that with you.

I have also become part of an amazing group of men and women with my new coaching business and I learn so much from them. They inspire me so much in ways it's even hard to put on paper. One of the things we recently discussed during one of our video conferences was knowing your Roles as a person. I hadn't really thought about all the roles that I play. For example: Mother, aunt, community leader, grandma, army officer, coach, fitness leader, financial provider, biker chick, etc. This really made me start thinking about what all it is that I do. I'm sure if you sat down and started making a list you would also come up with more roles than you had imagined. So now that I have discovered all these roles what do I do....I'm trying to determine what is most important in my life and where I should be spending most of my energy and my time.

So I hope you will want to follow my blog as I begin to share my life story. Possibly you will be able to relate, or something you touch our heart or help you in a time of need. I hope it will also provide you some laughter, inspiration and maybe even inspire you to do something special with your day or the rest of your life.

So until my next blog, enjoy and make it a great day!!

Coach Jo

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