Tuesday, January 17, 2017

My Life. My Goals. One Day at a Time!

🏋 There are days that I really have to push myself to get through a workout. Today I kept hitting the snooze button. But as I was laying there in bed I started to feel guilty. I should be up reading. I set this goal at the beginning of the year to get up at 5 a.m. Do at least 30 minutes of personal delopment in and then do my workout.

So as I was laying there I reminded myself of this. Then I thought about how good and energized I always feel after a workout. On the days I don't get up and get my workout in I always wish I had because I don't have near the energy as I do on days I work out. Also I just feel so accomplished and good about myself when I get a good workout in. I can go to work and share with others what I did that morning and it brings a smile to my face just knowing that I pushed myself to another level.

I have to remind myself this is all about "ME". Goals I set for myself. I'm seeing so much progress and I want to continue that.

🎯FOOD FOR THOUGHT: On those days that you are struggling really think about why you are doing this. Think about how you feel on the days you don't do what you promised yourself you would. Isn't it a much better feeling to know you have given it your all and and you have no regrets!!

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