Sunday, January 22, 2017

Healthy Eating On The Go


I've had several people ask me what I take for healthy snacks when I'm traveling. Here are a few tips!!

On our health and nutrition journey one of the times that people struggle the most is when they are traveling! The key is finding healthy snacks that work for you on the road.

I do a lot of traveling. I'm in the Army and sometimes I'm out in the field for days at a time. So I've had to find a way to do my job as a Soldier and at the same time fuel my body with healthy snacks. We have very long days sometimes. As a leader and Army Officer I always have to be setting the example and at the top of my gain.

These are some of the ways I fuel my body when I'm traveling. These snacks fit easy in a pocket, in your back pack or purse and something that you will love.

PROTEIN: I'm one of those people that my body craves lots of protein. My energy really drops if I don't get it. So I try to eat half my body weight in ounces of protein every day. How can I do this when I travel? Two easy things to take are peanutbutter and tuna. When I'm on the road for the day I will also take lean chicken meat and put a little hummus on it and roll it up to snack on.

SHAKEOLOGY: For me Shakeology has become a way of life. I can tell such a difference in how my body performs if I don't get my daily dose of dense nutrition. These sample packs are great ways to take it on the go with a shaker cup and I don't miss all my daily vitamin intake this way.

FRUITS & VEGGIES: I love to pack fresh fruits and veggies. They are a great healthy snack to take along. However, that isn't always something that travels well. I do a lot of food dehydration. Here you see dried sweet potato chips, squash, apples, watermelon (so sweet like candy if you have a sweet tooth) and I also have strawberries, kiwi, and bananas not pictured here.

SNACK BARS: These are two of my snack bar favorites...Kind (high in protein) and Goodness Knows Snack squares. With Bars such as this just watch the sugar and sodium content. There are also a lot of great recipes out there for homemade snack bars. The Fixate Cookbook has awesome snack ideas for traveling.

OTHER IDEAS: A couple other easy take alongs that I like are nuts, yogurt and cheese sticks. I also bring water bottles and Crystal Light packets so I'm not drinking Soday. If you need a pick me up Beachbody Energize is also one of my favorite take alongs!

So what are all the benefits to taking your own snacks:
1. Healthy
2. You save money rather than buying at exensive gas stations
3. You avoid the easy fast food stop and waiting in line at the restaurant
4. You feel satisfied and you don't have sugar spikes that you would have otherwise from candy bars and junk food.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Don't waist all your hard work and efforts because you fail to plan. You will be much happier when you get to your destination!!

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